A chronological history of GrassRoots activities concerning S.168

S. 168: A bill making it a misdemeanor to discharge a firearm within 25 yards of the Palmetto Trail. The major problem is no provision is made for ensuring the Palmetto Trail is clearly marked so people will know exactly where the boundaries of the Palmetto Trail are located. The bill requires hunters to carry their firearms unloaded and cased while on the Palmetto Trail, which creates at least two problems. First, there is no exception for the concealed weapon that a hunter with a concealed weapon permit may be carrying for self defense purposes. Second, it treats a hunter who uses the Palmetto Trail as an avenue to get somewhere the same as the hunter who simply wants to cross the Palmetto Trail that cuts through private property while hunting on that private property. The major penalty is the forfeiture of the guns and equipment in the violator’s possession at the time of the violation.
Principles Involved: People must be given proper notice (i.e., adequate marking of the Palmetto Trail boundaries) that what they are doing is wrong before they are convicted of wrongdoing. The right to self defense must be protected even for hunters.
GrassRoots Position: GrassRoots opposes this bill until provision is made to ensure the Palmetto Trail is clearly marked and the right to self defense is protected.
Current Status: In the Committee of Fish, Game & Forestry.
Primary Sponsor: Leventis
Full Text: http://www.scstatehouse.net/sess117_2007-2008/bills/168.htm
Copyright © 2007 GrassRoots GunRights of SC
Last Updated December 7, 2007
For more information contact: Executive Officer